Book Signing! USITT 2019 in Louisville, KY!

Hiya, Folks! It’s that time of year again. USITT is right around the corner. This year it’s in Louisville, KY! And, once again, I will be at the conference doing a book signing in conjunction with the USITT bookstore!

Friday March 22nd from 4pm to 530pm on the Scene Design Stage on the Stage Expo floor!

Copies of Q2Q Comics Volume 2 will be available in the USITT Bookstore. But I’ll sign just about anything you put in front of me. I will be doing character sketches and there will be stickers and other goodies to be had at the signing table, so stop on by!

Liz, several La Ropasucias, Blorp and I will also be out wandering the Conference and Stage Expo from Wednesday through Saturday, so if you see us upstanding citizens and the little Gremlins around, feel free to say hi! We’re friendly.
